G’day and Welcome

HelenG’day I’m Helen……   
………………………Helen Elphinstone-King (HELKINART)
Award winning Australian Watercolour Artist, now located in Belmont NSW, by the shores of beautiful Lake Macquarie, just north of Sydney .. back to my love of surf, sand & sailing <3 ….

Artworx are available for sale through my secure Online shop … New paintings added regularly..

My Watercolours, are painted in the style of Semi Realistic Impressionism, with a diverse range of subjects, all strongly influenced from my love of sailing, boats & the ocean. Add to that, my love and experience with my own horses, from a very young age..
I, also enjoy entering many local Art Prizes, which support local Communities and gives everyone a chance to see & buy my work as well. See below for more info…

Current & Upcoming Exhibitions… 
Newcastle Show : 28 Feb – 2nd March 2025 .. Newcastle Entertainment Centre
Opening & Presentation Night Monday 24th February.. Newcastle Showground

If local or passing thru Newcastle or the Hunter Valley, please give me ahoy if you wish to look through the Studio and see the paintings yourself  ..

I was thrilled recently, to learn that one of my paintings that sold last year, was for the purpose of being the Singleton Art Prize Raffle this year ..so very exciting & thankyou to the Rotary Club of Singleton as well, glad it was a huge success ..

I have many Art collectors, both local and internationally, who have purchased my paintings and are always quite eager to see my new work & add to their collections, to which I always appreciate their support..

“there is beauty in everything I see ….so I try to capture that beauty.. and keep the memories “..
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Find me on Facebook and Instagram to catchup with the latest …just look for @helkinartInstafb